Hanafins Pharmacy Christchurch

Hanafins Pharmacy is conveniently located in Riccarton Rd, Christchurch. It has an excellent range of prescription and over-the-counter medicines and vitamins.

The pharmacy is next to High Street City Health Medical Centre for all of your medical needs. We are open Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5.30pm, or until the last patient has been seen at High Street City Health.

Hanafins Pharmacy is owned and operated by Jonathan Ram, a Pharmacist of over 20 years experience. The services that we offer include:

  • Directions for safe and effective use for your medications;
  • Explaining possible side effects of your medication;
  • Discussing storage requirements for your medication; and
  • Providing a safe disposal service for unused medications.
Jonathan Ram, Pharmacist

Jonathan Ram


Hanafins Pharmacy address and opening hours

Open Monday to Friday 8.30am - 5.30pm

Closed Saturday and Sunday

Shop 8, 62 Riccarton Road



Phone 03 348 8071

Fax 03 348 8971

Email hanafins@xtra.co.nz

For urgent matters outside these hours, please contact:

The Urgent Pharmacy

Corner Bealey Ave and Columbo St


(03) 366 4439

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